Departamento de Biologia - Universidade do Minho - Optical techniques for the in vivo study of photosynthesis

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  • Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar, entre segunda-feira, 04-07-2011 e sexta-feira, 08-07-2011
Imagem Luz

This post-graduate advanced workshop, organized in the framework of the BioPlant MAP joint doctoral programme, will provide fundamental and practical knowledge on Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry and Spectral Reflectance Analysis (SRA), two optical techniques that allow non-destructive and real-time assessment of photosynthetic activity in vivo.

This post-graduate advanced workshop, organized in the framework of the BioPlant MAP joint doctoral programme, will provide fundamental and practical knowledge on Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry and Spectral Reflectance Analysis (SRA), two optical techniques that allow non-destructive and real-time assessment of photosynthetic activity in vivo.



Logos Universidade de Aveiro, UMinho e BIOPLANT



Advanced Workshop Studies in Biology and Applied Sciences & Workshop in Advanced Techniques of the BioPlant Doctoral Programme




This post-graduate advanced workshop, organized in the framework of the BioPlant MAP joint doctoral programme, will provide fundamental and practical knowledge on Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry and Spectral Reflectance Analysis (SRA), two optical techniques that allow non-destructive and real-time assessment of photosynthetic activity in vivo. Originally developed to study land plants, both methodologies have been applied to a wide range of organisms, covering virtually all life forms carrying out photosynthetic activity. Due to their operational advantages, these techniques have been increasingly used in many fundamental and applied fields of plant biology.

The course will combine lectures, hands-on practical laboratorial work, and sessions on data processing and paper discussions. A range of biological models will be used in practical sessions, from higher plants (including in vitro cultures and Arabidopsis mutants) to macro- and microalgae, including photosynthetic symbioses like lichens and corals. Participants are encouraged to bring their own photosynthetic models.

State-of-the-art instruments will be available for participant use, including special imaging fluorometer models designed to study bidimensional objects (plant leafs, lichen thalli, macroalgae) or suspensions (microalgal, chloroplasts).



João Serôdio - Department of Biology & CESAM - Center for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Ana Cunha - Department of Biology & CITAB - Center for Research and Technology of Agro- Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal


Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar, entre segunda-feira, 04-07-2011 e sexta-feira, 08-07-2011
This post-graduate advanced workshop, organized in the framework of the BioPlant MAP joint doctoral programme, will provide fundamental and practical knowledge on Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry and Spectral Reflectance Analysis (SRA), two optical techniques that allow non-destructive and real-time assessment of photosynthetic activity in vivo.
Organizing Committee
Teresa Lino Neto - BioFIG (University of Minho)
Rui Tavares - BioFIG (University of Minho)
Helena Carvalho - IBMC
Paula Baptista - CIMO (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança)

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