Departamento de Biologia - Universidade do Minho - Global Change and biodiversity: implications for ecosystem services

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  • Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, entre segunda-feira, 09-05-2011 e sexta-feira, 13-05-2011

The current high rates of species extinction have raised concerns about the impacts of biodiversity loss to ecosystem functioning and services. Case studies will be used to discuss the hypotheses and mechanisms describing the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem processes under different environmental contexts. The influence of temporal and spatial scales will be considered. This course is aimed at post-graduate students, researchers and professionals involved in the assessment of risks to ecosystem services derived from global change.

The current high rates of species extinction have raised concerns about the impacts of biodiversity loss to ecosystem functioning and services. Case studies will be used to discuss the hypotheses and mechanisms describing the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem processes under different environmental contexts. The influence of temporal and spatial scales will be considered. This course is aimed at post-graduate students, researchers and professionals involved in the assessment of risks to ecosystem services derived from global change.



 Banner Global Change and biodiversity: implications for ecosystem services



Cláudia Pascoal, Fernanda Cássio
CBMA-DB, Universidade do Minho, PORTUGAL


Departamento de Biologia, Universidade do Minho
May 9-13


Christopher Swan University of Maryland, USA (Website)
Guy Woodward Queen Mary University of London, UK (Website)
Mark Gessner ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Website)
Henrique Pereira CBA & University of Lisboa, Portugal (Website)
Paulo Sousa IMAR & University of Coimbra, Portugal (Website)
Cláudia Pascoal CBMA, University of Minho
Fernanda Cássio CBMA, University of Minho



  1.   Status and trends of biodiversity
  2. Metacommunity ecology applied to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  3. Metabolic theory, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  4. Functional diversity and food webs
  5. Linking stoichiometry to food web structure and function
  6. Environmental context, and temporal and spatial scales
  7. Biodiversity and ecosystem stability
  8. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and human wellbeing
  9. Biological traits as indicators of ecosystem services
  10. Economic and non-economic valuation of ecosystem services
  11. Ecosystem services in the legislative context
  12. Experimental designs and data treatment

 The course includes theoretical classes, computer practicals and case studies. 


PROGRAM Download here the Program


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Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar 4710-054 Braga
Phone +351 253 604310
Fax +351 253 678980

Number of Hours: 30h
Registration Deadline: 30 April 2011
Registration fee: 200€ (includes attendance to classes and documentation)

Click here to register for the course


Payment must be made by bank transfer to:

NIB: 0035 0823 00008657730 18
IBAN: PT50 0035 0823 0000 8657 7301 8

Send a copy of the receipt of transfer to the email mentioned above as proof of payment. Registration is confirmed after payment.


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