Eventos e Notícias / Events and News

- Departamento de Biologia, entre sexta-feira, 19-07-2013 e sábado, 20-07-2013
Este “workshop” tem como principal objetivo fazer uma abordagem multidisciplinar da terapêutica do cancro e dos cuidados com o doente oncológico que envolve uma equipa diversificada de profissionais de saúde, como sejam Farmacêuticos, Enfermeiros, Oncologistas, Nutricionistas e Psiquiatras.

- Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar entre segunda-feira, 15-07-2013 e quarta-feira, 24-07-2013
The course aims at giving an overview of cancer therapy, from classical chemotherapy to the development of new targeted therapies (e.g. drug nanodelivery systems). Our course will bring together experts with different basic research backgrounds (Biologists, Chemists, Biochemists, Pharmacists, Physicists, etc) and oncology health professionals, which will allow an open discussion on cancer research, as well as on current and future oncological treatments and patient care. The course will be organized in theoretical and laboratory classes and will also include a Workshop for Health Professionals (19th - 20th July 2013) entitled: “Oncological patient therapy- the role of health professionals”.

- Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar entre segunda-feira, 01-07-2013 e sexta-feira, 12-07-2013
The course will include theoretical modules and seminars. The main objective is to overview the different phases of drug development: from organic synthesis to clinical trials with emphasis on biochemical pre-clinical studies and good clinical practice (GCP) procedures during clinical trials.

- Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar entre segunda-feira, 01-07-2013 e sexta-feira, 12-07-2013
It also includes a hands-on intensive module of lab work. In addition to brief descriptive lectures, the theoretical modules will entail discussions of scientific papers. The hands-on lab module will illustrate different aspects of the theoretical session topics, and will include different techniques to monitor morphological, biochemical and molecular changes associated to cell death processes and autophagy namely, epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. They will be followed by results interpretation, group discussion and final wrap up.

- Departamento de Biologia, Campus de Gualtar entre segunda-feira, 01-07-2013 e sexta-feira, 12-07-2013
The course aims at giving an overview of cancer therapy, from classical chemotherapy to the development of new targeted therapies (e.g. drug nanodelivery systems). Our course will bring together experts with different basic research backgrounds (Biologists, Chemists, Biochemists, Pharmacists, Physicists, etc) and oncology health professionals, which will allow an open discussion on cancer research, as well as on current and future oncological treatments and patient care. The course will be organized in theoretical and laboratory classes and will also include a Workshop for Health Professionals (19th - 20th July 2013) entitled: “Oncological patient therapy- the role of health professionals”.

- Mosteiro de Tibães entre sábado, 29-06-2013 e domingo, 21-07-2013
A Exposição "Ver Arte e Prever Ciência" é uma iniciativa do Projeto STOL - Science Through Our Lives, em parceria com a Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte e o Mosteiro de Tibães.

- entre terça-feira, 25-06-2013 e sábado, 29-06-2013
Targeted for researchers and postgraduate students. Special emphasis will be given to the molecular mechanisms underlying the uptake of mineral and organic solutes by plant cells in response to a challenging environment. Theoretical lessons will be complemented with experimental sessions aimed to study plant copper transporters and sugar transporters at the biochemical and molecular levels.
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