Estudantes de Doutoramento / PhD Students

Alexandra Gonçalves
Tese: Regulação Metabólica Induzida na Patogênese de Candida albicans: o papel dos ácidos carboxílicos e transportadores de carboxilato
Supervisores: Sandra Paiva - Brasil | Bjorn Johansson
Centro: CBMA

Ana Carolina Duarte
Tese: Evaluating the potential of soil food web complexity to enhance maize crop performance and soil health
Supervisores: Sofia Costa | Teresa lino Neto
Centro: CBMA
Ana Catarina Marques
Tese: Characterization of molecular interactions involving DRIFs during Arabidopsis thaliana seedling development
Supervisores: Manuela Costa | Miguel Blázquez
Centro: CBMA
Ana Rita Bragança
Tese: Bioprospection of marine microorganisms as a source of inspiration to design novel antimicrobial peptides
Supervisores: Raúl Machado | Isabel João Silva | Margarida Casal
Centro: CBMA

Ana Rita Gonçalves
Tese: Identification on Meloidogyne spp. in kiwifruit fields of Portugal and interactions host-parasite-hyperparasite with Pasteuria penetrans
Supervisores: Sofia Costa
Centro: CBMA

Ana Rita Rodrigues
Tese: Assessing impacts of conventional and new-generation fungicides on freshwater food-webs
Supervisores: Bruno Castro | Cláudia Pascoal | Fernanda Cássio
Centro: CBMA

André Ferreira
Tese: DNA-based monitoring of ichthyoplankton for application to fish biodiversity conservation and fisheries management
Supervisores: Filipe Costa | António Santos
Centro: CBMA

Bárbara Ferreira
Tese: Development of antimicrobial products for sustainable crop protection based on plants and plant by-product
Supervisor: Alberto Dias
Centro: CBMA

Bruna Oliveira
Tese: Improvement of the fermentative performance of the yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii for a robust use in winemaking
Supervisores: Maria João Sousa | Ricardo Duarte
Centro: CBMA

Bruna Silva
Tese: Creating novel solutions for tackling non-respiratory viruses: intravaginal mRNA delivery by biocompatible gemini surfactants
Supervisores: Andreia Gomes | Eduardo Marques
Centro: CBMA
Carla Matos
Tese: Bioinformatic approaches to the genomic and epidemiological study of hospital- and community-acquired Klebsiella pneumoniae infections
Supervisores: Teresa Rito | Pedro Soares | Pedro Cunha
Centro: CBMA | ICVS

Carolina Moreira
Tese: Exploring metabolome-microbiota interactions for the valorization of the microbial terroir in the production of wines with improved typicity
Supervisor: Hernâni Gerós | Viviana Martins
Centro: CBMA

Edmundo Ndipolifa
Tese: Avaliação da Biodiversidade na Bacia do Rio Kunene (África Austral) baseada em DNA ambiental
Supervisores: Ronaldo Sousa | Pedro Beja | Manuel Lima

Fábio Pereira
Tese: Novel yeast strains from Azores archipelago: biotechnological innovation to differentiate and improve the Azorean wines keeping its typicality
Supervisores: Maria João Sousa | Ricardo Duarte
Centro: CBMA

Filipe Tobana Nhanquê)
Tese: Estudo exploratório da utilização de tecnologia de ADN para melhorar a eficácia da
monitorização e gestão de recursos pesqueiros na Guiné-Bissau.Supervisores: Filipe Costa | Maria del Pilar Rodriguez
Centro: CBMA

Flávia Sousa
Tese: Elucidationof the molecular basis underlying complex traits of Torulaspora delbrueckii: toward its industrial exploitation
Supervisores: Maria João Sousa | Ricardo Duarte | Carole Camarasa
Centro: CBMA
Gonçalo Marques
Tese: Exploring the microbial terroir of renowned wine regions of Portugal, Spain, Austria and Denmark to develop eco-friendly biocontrol formulations.
Supervisores: Hernâni Gerós, Viviana Martins, Manuel Oliveira
Centro: CBMA

Henrique Silva
Tese: 2G4CANCER - Green graphene/lipid nanosystems for cancer imaging and treatment
Supervisores: Andreia Gomes | Marlene Lúcio
Centro: CBMA

Humberto Pereira
Supervisor: Sandra Paiva
Centro: CBMA

Inês Laranjeira
Tese: Using Bioactive Compounds to enhance the Anti-inflammatory Properties of Nutraceuticals
Supervisor: Alberto Dias
Centro: CBMA

Inês Ribeiro
Tese: The Role of Phosphatidic Acid in Apolipoprotein E4 Pathogenesis
Supervisores: Sandra Paiva | Tiago Oliveira
Centro: CBMA | ICVS

Janaína Gonçalves
Supervisor Pedro Soares
Centro: CBMA

Joana Matos
Supervisor: Maria joão Sousa
Centro: CBMA
João Almeida
Tese: Tracking the “first age of globalisation” from Bronze Age to Medieval Eurasia
Supervisor: Pedro Soares
Centro: CBMA

João Fontes
Supervisor: Filipe Costa
Centro: CBMA

João Guimarães
Tese: The Portuguese genomic signature: a genomic characterization of the genetic structure and ancestry of Portugal
Supervisor: Pedro Soares | Teresa Rito
Centro: CBMA

José Lourenço
Tese: Disentangling the effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity and the functioning of rivers ecosystems across spatiotemporal scales
Supervisores: Cláudia Pascoal | Giogio Pace | Cayetano Gutiérrez Cánovas (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Centro: CBMA

Maria Carolina Castro
Tese: High-throughput Adaptive Laboratory Evolution of non-Saccharomyces yeast species to overcome constraints in winemaking due to climatic changes
Supervisores: Maria João Sousa| Ricardo Duarte
Centro: CBMA
Pedro Costa
Tese: Effects of microplastic and nanoplastic pollution on host-parasite interactions: a case study with Daphnia magna and its microparasites
Supervisor: Bruno Castro | Lúcia guilhermino | Justyna Wolisnka
Centro: CBMA | IGB-Berlin

Pedro Fernandes
Tese: the genomic ancestry of prehistoric human populations in northern Portugal
Supervisor: Pedro Soares | Ana Bettencourt | Ana Maria Silva
Centro: CBMA | Departamento de História UMinho | Departamento de Antropologia UCoimbra

Rita Alves
Tese: Contact lens materials: An ecosystem issue and a contribution to a circular economy
Supervisor: Fernanda Cássio
Centro: CBMA

Rui Carvalho
Tese: Impacts of land-use on soil ecosystem functions and carry-over effects through the soil-water nexus to inland water bodies
Supervisores: Sofia Costa | Cláudia Pascoal | Carlos Guerra
Centro: CBMA | i-DV

Sara Coelho
Tese: Unravelling the ancestral function of MYB-like transcription factor families involved in plant development
Supervisor: Manuela Costa
Centro: CBMA
Ticiana Fernandes
Tese: Enhanced bio-production of succinic acid through adaptive laboratory evolution using different yeast species
Supervisores: Maria João Sousa | Ricardo Duarte
Centro: CBMA

Vanessa Pinho
Tese: (Nano) structured bioactive materials functionalized with leukmia inhibitory factor (LIF) for tackling demyelinating diseases
Supervisores: Andreia Gomes | Raúl Machado
Centro: CBMA

Vera Castro
Tese: Study of bioactivities of edible Microalgae extracts
Supervisores: Rui Oliveira | Alberto Dias
Centro: CBMA